Hi everyone, welcome to my little blog! I am a Taiwanese/Cantonese half-breed based in Toronto, Canada. I created this blog to encourage travellers to be more educated and aware of the places they go. I believe it does our planet a lot of good when people pair breathtaking pictures with stories of humanity. It’s beautiful when travel becomes not just about us, but about people, culture, traditions, history, and beliefs we come in contact with. When people come together and knowledge-sharing happens, that, to me, is the ultimate authentic experience.

Half Cloud hopes to be a digital starting point for all travellers around the world. I don’t know it all and certainly can’t cover it all. However, it would be a success if I can be a hub that points you to the right direction and share helpful resources I’ve come across along the way.

Travel is very personal and everyone has their own style, so to speak. What works for a person might not work for another. Which is why you won’t find me telling you “this is the best place in town to live” or “this is the best place to eat.” Rather I will ask, “have you considered this?” and “do you know about that?”

Most of my itineraries are fast-paced and active. I visit countries fully expecting to return and this has done well to keep my “FOMO” at bay. I consider myself a DIY budget traveller who splurge on transportation, in-depth tours, and longer vacation days. Flexibility is important to me and that’s often where my money goes. My budget formula is simple: $1000 CAD/person/week. Personally, I have a pension for places with grit, mysticism, and cultural significance. My husband, Mike, is all about getting lost in the marketplace and living among locals.

To say the least, we’re big fans of “Top Gear” and “The Grand Tour”. We both ride motorcycles and it’s an aspiration for us to tour the world with just our backpacks and bikes!

Thanks so much for visiting!
☁️ Demi (and Mike) ☁️